

First of all: Genoa does not appear in the game. It is not found on the map, nor is it mentioned. So why am I writing about Genoa in the Terraeterno book? Of course, this does not come entirely out of nowhere, because the very important Christopher Columbus, who appears in the game, was in the service of Spain, but was born in Genoa. This statement can be viewed as controversial, but there are various sources that confirm this place …


Gleich vorweg: Im Spiel kommt Genua nicht vor. Es findet sich nicht auf der Karte und wird auch nicht erwähnt. Wieso schreibe ich im Terraeterno-Buch also über Genua? Selbstverständlich kommt das nicht gänzlich aus dem nichts, denn der sehr wohl im Spiel vorkommende und durchaus wichtige Christoph Kolumbus stand zwar im Dienste Spaniens, ist aber in Genua geboren. Diese Aussage kann als umstritten angesehen werden, doch gibt es diverse Quellen, die diesen Geburtsort bestätigen. Tiefer möchte ich gar nicht in …

5# the show must go on

The preparation, creation and promotion of the blog has occasionally led to an interruption in writing, but this should now be resumed. We are now in 16th century Spain and our protagonist Ark strides from east to west across the united kingdoms of Aragon and Castile. He starts on the east coast in the city of Barcelona, ​​which gives him unexpected experiences in just one day. Wait a minute, Barcelona? What is Ark doing in Barcelona? Nothing in the game, …

4# there will be music

What does music have to do with writing a novel? The answer is everything and absolutely nothing. Before I ventured into the ludicrous project of a novel, I let off steam with photos, graphics, screenshots and videos. My first book-writing scale project was creating a story film in the MMORPG Dark age of Camelot. 2 years of production and 1 hour 44 minutes playtime later I was standing in front of my finished film and was allowed to look for …

4# Es werde Musik

Was hat Musik mit dem Schreiben eines Romans zu tun? Die Antwort ist alles und auch rein gar nichts. Bevor ich mich an das aberwitzige Projekt eines Romans herangewagt habe, tobte ich mich zuvor verstärkt mit Fotos, Grafiken, Screenshots und Videos aus. Mein erstes Projekt in der Größenordnung des Buchschreibens war die Erstellung eines Storyfilms im MMORPG Dark age of Camelot. 2 Jahre Produktionsdauer und 1Std 44min Laufzeit später stand ich vor meinem fertigen Film und durfte mir eine neue …

1# Why are we here?

What brought you to this humble, still empty blog today? It is curiosity about something that has probably been with you for many years. Most of us have known the history of Terranigma since childhood, as I do. We accompanied a small, pixelated character with wild red-blonde hair and a blue crystal spear on her unusual journey through the underworld. We fought to revive the world we knew and traveled with it around the globe and over time. We tore …