3# Crysta – every beginning is difficult
3# Crysta – every beginning is difficult

3# Crysta – every beginning is difficult

Every beginning is difficult, every beginning is Crysta.

Above all, the beginning is peaceful, full of harmony and humor. There is stress with chickens, defaced pumpkin fields, rowdy boys and little girls jumping around. That’s why I start the first chapter in this way, a plot that will later be full of adventure, struggle and drama. The girls in question lead the reader through the idyllic village, where they visit some of its inhabitants, who are also better known in the game, and in a very annoying way explore the whereabouts of the main protagonist Ark. Their first victim is the always grumbling fisherman Erik, who doesn’t like it that his fish are driven to flight by the two little brats.

Erik is the last remaining real fisherman in Crysta. An institution. The only one who stands between starvation and an eternal life, fed with fruit, vegetables and bread. The most important part of the community, without which everything would collapse. Needed by everyone, yet never valued as it deserves. At least that’s how he sees himself and if you don’t want to miss your Friday fish, you shouldn’t object. Of course there are others who try to throw a fishing line that is much too short into the water. With an absolutely unsuitable bait, of course. In the wrong place and loudly driving away all the fish. At least that’s what Erik’s gaze says when he proudly crosses the old wooden bridge on the river again and doesn’t pay any attention to the hobby anglers. The wooden beams creak loudly under his heavy feet, so that every angler knows that the great Erik is passing behind him. Nobody’s boots are wetter, dirtier, and covered with more moss than his. Nobody has a longer fishing rod and line. No bait is as appealing to fish as the one that Erik digs out of the deepest holes. All of this does not interest the two twins, which are less than a meter shorter.

“So you can’t help us!? – Can’t help us!? “, the girls try one last time.

“You can help me and see that you win land. I don’t care where this fellow is. Ask Melina. He’s always hanging on the tip of her skirt, ”says Erik, visibly annoyed, and turns away with a wiping gesture.

The two girls take a short break and briefly look at each other in confirmation.

“Aaand you don’t happen to know where to find Melina? – You don’t know where to find Melina, do you? “

Erik opens his eyes wide and turns threateningly slowly to the girls. The fishing route cracks audibly under the pressure of his clenched, red and white fist. His nostrils move up and whether and his skin, which is already well-tanned by the sun, turns purple-red.

“Meli…” he starts to say.

“I have an idea, Wendy. We can ask Melina.” „Yes, I was about to say that, too. Let’s ask Melina.”

With a jerk, the girls turn away from Erik and run back towards the center of the village. Erik takes a deep breath and loosens his fingers. A scrutinizing look at the fishhook and with a courageous swine…

“Did Melina come by here – did you see Melina?” Erik starts with a high-pitched squeaking sound and looks down next to him. The twins are back and stare at him asking.

“Did you just hear that too?” Weaver Anika asks her husband.

“I don’t think so, no. Was what?“, answers Emil.

“I just felt like I heard someone scream. Strange”, the weaver wonders, but then continues with her work.

The transition to the weavers introduces the next scene in a series of numerous escapades, for which Ark has to justify himself at the end of the chapter, when a visibly angry weaver complains loudly to the village elder about Ark, who is under his protection. This unexpectedly frees Ark from his predicament, but puts him under detention in Jenos mill, which the attentive player should also have remembered.

But the peaceful togetherness, clouded only by occasional differences of opinion and youthful frolic, is soon to take a bitter turn, in which not only the fate of Crysta is at stake and we embark on a long journey full of dangers and wonders.

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